Monday 21 September 2009

History and the future

... The 1959 discovery of Australopithecus boisei, by Mary Laekey in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, was a watershed in the history of paleoanthropology, injecting a new energy into the particular field of multidisciplinary research, and adding a highly significant 1.75 million-year-old link into what was a relatively sparse hominid lineage at the time.

... The introduction of PADI’s eLearning system was a watershed in the development of diving educational programmes, injecting a new energy into diver acquisition for the industry, and has injected a highly significant $1.75 million US Dollars directly into PADI Dive Centre and Resort operations world-wide in under 2 years since initial launch.
This has been achieved because the power of the PADI brand, and educational validity of PADI learning systems & materials, allows up-front charging for PADI eLearning programmes – putting immediate profit directly into PADI members’ businesses, capturing an unrivalled volume of new divers for the sport, and committing new PADI divers to the industry right from their first interaction with it.

It’s amazing... what PADI can do for your business