Friday, 7 August 2009
New Danish PADI Course Director

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

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Thu, Aug 27, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM BST
Thu, Sep 24, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM BST
Thu, Oct 22, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM GMT
Thu, Nov 26, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM GMT
Wed, Dec 23, 2009 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM GMT
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Tuesday, 4 August 2009
eLearning link to your DC web site

I first found out about this online course from:
Dive Centre / Resort Website 23.3%
Friend / Family Member 22.4%
Dive Centre/ Resort Staff 19.5%
padi.com 19.5%
Internet Search 11.0%
Other 3.8%
Source: Fourth Quarter 2008 PADI eLearning Exit Survey
How to Put the PADI eLearning Link on Your Website?
With exit surveys showing that 94 percent of participants would recommend the PADI Open Water Diver Course Online to their friends, this PADI program is an obviously popular and effective way to get new divers.
But, PADI eLearning isn't just about acquiring new divers - it's a significant retention tool as well. The same exit surveys also show that more than 93 percent of PADI eLearners would continue their dive education online. That means you can retain divers by taking advantage of the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course Online.
Even more online retention opportunities are on the way - including Enriched Air Diver Online.
PADI AOW eLearning: FAQ
Are eLearners restricted to the seven dives from the online curriculum?
In the eLearning program, students complete knowledge development for seven sections:
Deep Diver and Underwater Navigation (required for AOW certification)
Boat Diver, Night Diver, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Underwater Naturalist and Wreck Diver
(why we chose these)
Students who want to try other adventure dives can access the Adventures in Diving Manual from the Tools menu of the online classroom. The knowledge development can be completed online, printed out, and presented to the instructor with their Advanced Open Water Diver eRecord.
The exception is: Enriched Air and Digi Photo - students must complete knowledge reviews from the specialty manual for these adventure dives (same as PADI's traditional course).
Scenario One:
An AOW eLearning student would like to try dry suit, night, and altitude diving in addition to the required deep and nav dives.
The studen t completes knowledge development for three of those dives (deep, nav and night) using the online curriculum.
For dry suit and altitude, he'll click on the Tools menu to access the sections on altitude and dry suit in the Adventures in Diving manual.
Lastly, he'll complete and print his knowledge development answers on his computer and bring them to his instructor.
Scenario Two:
A diver signs up for AOW eLearning and would like to try night diving, enriched air and digital underwater photography.
She'll complete the night diving knowledge review as part of the online curriculum.
For Enriched Air, she'll complete knowledge review one from the Enriched Air Diver manual.
For Digi. Photo she'll complete the level two knowledge review from the Digital Underwater Photography manual.
Can an Access Passes be used for AOW online?
To purchase: visit padi.com/accesszone and click "Purchase" under eLearning Access Passes. Create an eLearning login if you don't already have one (this is eLearning-specific and different from your PADI Pros login) and on the next screen you'll be prompted to purchase either OW or AOW Access Passes. The cost is $120 (payable by credit card only).
By: Terry Johnson, Regional Manager Egypt & Eastern Europe.
Attention Dive Centre Owners/ Managers!!

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