Thursday 22 January 2009


Project AWARE supports projects that have a direct benefit to the aquatic environment such as public education, grass roots conservation and enhancement projects, environmentally focused research that leads to conservation measures, public awareness initiatives, environmental assessment and monitoring projects, and volunteer-supported community activism.
Thanks to donations from divers and water enthusiasts, Project AWARE Foundation (International) in the UK through its Grant Programme has been about to distribute more than £560,000. (GBP) since it received charity status in 1999. This has funded worthwhile aquatic projects throughout its service territory which includes UK, Russia, Eastern Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, Africa and the Nordic Regions. Project AWARE Foundation worldwide has distributed over $3,500,000 to worthwhile causes.
In 2008 the following Nordic organisation received funding from project AWARE.
Ocean Sounds, Norway - This research aims to build a foundation for the understanding and protection of the marine eco system in Lofoten Islands. Educational programmes will be used to make research results accessible to the public, to educate people about marine animals and their fragile environment.

Find out more on how you as a PADI Pro could help saving the environment. go to: Project AWARE Toolbox.