Tuesday 3 May 2011

New Dive Anywhere Campaign Connects You and Your Customers

Grow your customer base by posting your Dive Anywhere events to padi.com.
Dive Anywhere is here to help you increase awareness of local diving and connect consumers with your business. This new global diver acquisition campaign is designed to combat the misperception that great diving is only available in specific regions.
The PADI organization has a number of Dive Anywhere advertising and marketing efforts that drive divers to an interactive map on padi.com where they will find Dive Anywhere events. This currently includes a flash graphic on the home page (one of the large images in rotation), so this is the ideal time to get your events uploaded.

What are Dive Anywhere events?
Whatever you want them to be! From large scale Discover Scuba Diving experiences to Tec Explorer Days or gear demonstrations, Dive Anywhere is anything that is in your area.
PADI Dive Centres and Resorts only need to post their events to take advantage of the campaign. Just visit the Marketing Toolbox section at the PADI Pros’ Site and upload event information such as event name, date and activities provided. It’ll then show up on the interactive map at padi.com/dive-events. Plus, you’ll find customizable marketing collateral in the Marketing Toolbox on the PADI Pros’ Site, to help promote your event.
For more information on registering or conducting your Dive Anywhere events, email marketing@padi.co.uk