Monday 22 December 2008

PADI Emergency Oxygene Provider Instructor Course

Statistics shows that fewer then 50 percent of all injured divers receive emergency oxygen in the field. Of this 50 percent, still fewer receive oxygen concentrations approaching the recommended 100 percent. PADIs recently released O2 program can help to change this fact. We got a job to do!
The PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Instructor Courses that will be conducted in Copenhagen and Stockholm requires that you sign up to PADI Nordic Due to limited space. Though the program is free of charge, application fee and required material is not included.

· The program is opened for all renewed PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors (OWSI)and above instructor levels
· Before the course starts you need a personal set of listed material1. Emergency Oxygen Provider Pak #60032 that includes the Emergency Oxygen Manual and Emergency Oxygen Care at a Glance2. Emergency Oxygene Instructor Guide #791183. Personal Non-rebreather Mask #831102
· The material should be pre studied, knowledge exercises and the knowledge review completed before start of the program, bring all material.

, Copenhagen Diveshow, conference room 21
Saturday 24th January at 12.00-17.00 Emergency Oxygen Provider Instructor Course
Stockholm, Vildmarksmässan, conference room 257.
Saturday 14th March at 12.00-17.00 Emergency Oxygen Provider Instructor Course