Since 2005 PADI Nordic recognize a few certain PADI dive centers or/and members with”Excellent achievements award”.
To achieve this prestigious award all of the Dive centers and PADI members did something exceptional for the Nordic diving industry.
For more information, contact:
Mikael Mox Moberg, Regional Manager PADI Nordic.
2008 Awards are given to:
Innovative ideas to attract the “new type” of diving customer. Excellent customer service and a very good mix of courses and activities to the present customer.
A very good example to the Nordic diving industry on how to run a successful diving business together with partners, Kattegat centret is also a major asset to the whole of the Danish diving market in promotion of Recreational diving.
Prodykk Oslo AS
Engagement, enthusiasm combined with hard work and excellent instructor skills.
Dykkersport AS, Oslo
Delivers excellent services and products year after year with more than 50 years in business.
Gulen Dykkesenter
A good example to the whole diving industry on how to contribute to less litter and a better underwater environment.
Jan Sangrud, individual PADI Member
Since many successful years the wreck diving Guru of the Baltic Sea.
H2O, Borås
A good example of a successful PADI Dive Center business based on excellent instructor skills, hard work and determination.